how to cure pimples in one day

There are several ways on removing acne scars. The appearance of acne starts during puberty when the body actively produces hormones that causes too much sebum in the skin. This skin stage may pass but it would definitely leave marks to haunt your appearance forever. Treating acne scars can be done through natural inexpensive ways and dermatological procedures that would probably cost a lot. However, acne scar treatment still depends on the mildness and severity of the scar.

Below are some of the techniques on removing acne scars naturally:

1. Hydration is the key. It has been proven that water is one of the best natural methods to remove acne scars and prevent acne breakouts. Drinking at least 8 glasses of water or more helps your skin to shed those unwanted dead skin cells.

2. A lot of people are recommending the use Vitamin E capsule for those scars. You might apply it topically to the affected area by pricking a spot in the capsule and apply the oil to the scar. Another option is to take it orally to have that cell renewal from the inside.

3. Rosehip seed oil is also an effective remedy on removing acne scars. This is an anti-ageing and anti-wrinkling agent that helps the skin to regenerate. Massage it on the scar twice a day.

4. Eating a balance diet may help in removing acne scars. The more nutritious foods you include in your meal, the faster the scar will heal. It helps in building the skin cells and gives a healthy skin glow as well.

5. Combine rose water and paste of sandal wood and apply it on the spot where the scars are. Leave it overnight then rinse with cold water the next day.

Aside from the natural ways of removing acne scars, there are also dermatological procedures that would definitely give you a much faster result. However, pregnancy and other health conditions may hinder your want to undergo these procedures. Here are some of the hi-tech methods can remove acne scars effectively.

6. Nowadays, not only certified dermatologists do a dermabrasion but facial salons as well. Dermabrasion is the removal of the top skin layer using a machine that chafes off the skin. Once the skin heals, the top layer will then have a smoother and clearer appearance.

7. Laser resurfacing is one of the most affordable anti-scar treatments available. It simply uses a high-energy light that would remove the fine scars and even prevent wrinkles.

8. You may also have a chemical peel procedure. This is just like dermabrasion. The only difference is that the top layer of the skin is peeled off using chemicals not machines. This is not a very advisable procedure for all since some people may have allergic reactions to the chemicals.

With all the available choices for treatment, you surely would not have an excuse as to why your acne scar is still obvious. It's your choice whether you would opt for the natural way or the dermatological procedure on how to remove acne scars.

The scars of acne may become a greater problem than the acne because it takes longer to disappear. In fact, some are forever on the skin. Here some of the techniques on removing acne scars naturally: Produces your own mask, Lemon juice,Treat scars with tomato.....

The scars of acne may become a greater problem than the acne because it takes longer to disappear. In fact, some are forever on the skin. It is better to see a doctor if your face has too many scars of acne product. If the scars are not too big or deep, can treat it at home using natural treatments. Here some of the techniques on removing acne scars naturally:

Drink plenty of water. The water is incredible cleaning and rejuvenation. It has been proven that water is one of the best natural methods on how to remove acne scars and prevent acne breakouts. Drinking at least 8 glasses of water or more helps your skin to shed those unwanted dead skin cells. The new skin also grows faster.

Eat fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables contain large amounts of vitamins and minerals that can help your skin to regain its beauty. They also contain juices that help to hydrate your body. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables for your healthy skin to grow and heal their scars.

Lemon juice. Lemon juice is a type of citric acid is very effective to remove acne scars. Drink several glasses of lemon juice every day to help your body to remove dead cells faster. New healthy cells grow and also add elasticity to your skin if you consume more lime juice.

Vitamin E. A lot of people are recommending the use Vitamin E capsule for those scars. You might apply it topically to the affected area by pricking a spot in the capsule and apply the oil to the scar. Another option is to take it orally to have that cell renewal from the inside.

Keep a balanced and nutritious diet. You can not simply get rid of scars by applying natural substances to your skin. An important part of the process of healing is to maintain a balanced diet that will help the growth of healthy new skin. In addition, maintaining a proper diet gives you the essential nutrients needed to fight infections and other illnesses that might worsen the scarring. Be sure to eat chicken, fish and soy in your diet because these foods are rich in proteins that help the skin heal.

Rosehip seed oil is also an effective remedy on how to remove acne scars. This oil has anti-aging properties that reduce wrinkles, rejuvenate the skin and restores its original color. Oil rosehip seed is widely used in cosmetic products used to treat burns, premature aging, sun damage, scars from surgeries product, acne or facial scars. Massage it on the scar twice a day.

Combine rose water and paste of sandal wood and apply it on the spot where the scars are. Leave it overnight then rinse with cold water the next day.

Aloe vera gel or juice. Gel and aloe vera juice helps to remove acne scars from your skin and make it more healthy.

Treat scars with tomato. The tomato is rich in vitamin A, making it effective by preventing the production of bait that causes acne and scarring. The tomato also has antioxidant properties that rejuvenate damaged skin. Take a tomato, cut into slices and put it on your face every day.

Olive oil improves the condition of your skin and reduce scarring from acne. Massage the affected parts every day. It also has moisturizing properties that help soften the skin texture.

Massage affected areas with honey to make your skin look young

Oil of lavender. Apply it on your acne scars and massage slowly. It has regenerative properties that clean, rejuvenate and refresh the skin.

Rub ice cubes. Wrap an ice cube in a cloth and massage the affected areas for 15 minutes every day, which should reduce inflammation.

Produces your own mask. Mix a tablespoon of sour cream with a spoonful of oatmeal and yogurt, then add a few drops of lemon juice. Apply the mixture to the scars and leave it there for 10 minutes.

The best way to prevent acne and the scars left is to bring style and a diet healthy. Regular exercise reduces stress and removes toxins. Consult with your doctor if the scars do not disappear.

A skin boil can be coined as a localized infection, which is dug deep in your skin. It generally is a reddened and tender region. Following a considerable period of time, this region turns firm, tender and hard. Eventually, the center of your abscess softens. It gets filled with the White Blood Cell (infection-fighting cells), which is sent by the body for eradicating the infection. The collection of WBC, proteins and bacteria is referred to as pus, which “forms the head. The head can be surgically removed or drained out spontaneously through the skin surface.

Causes for Skin Boils

There are numerous causes behind the existence of the boils. There are some boils, which are caused by ingrown hairs. You can even find others formed due to the splinter or similar other foreign materials that have lodged on your skin, when exposed to the skin. There are boils (acne) caused due to plugging sweat gland that gets infected.

Skin is an imperative part of an immune defense, which fights of the challenges of microbes and other materials. These materials are foreign elements for our body. Any skin rupture due to scrape or cut may develop an abscess, if it gets infected by bacteria.

Symptoms for Skin Boils: Painful red nodules appear on your skin

During the outset of the disease, you will find a red nodule appearing on your skin. This nodule is painful and might leave you with some trouble times for a considerable period. This nodule can grow bigger in size. It breaks in the middle, where the pus gets collected. The patients suffering from skin boils can experience a lot of itching and irritation.

It might appear similar to single boils. Simultaneously, there are boils in the same areas or even different ones. You can even find situation where the boil may come up in successive crops. One of the problems associated with the skin boils is swelling. Swelling may be limited either for 1-hair follicle or extended for several follicles. In case of ripening of skin boils, they emit a discharge. Fever may also be a symptom of skin boils.

Even though skin boils can have a devastating effect on your body, if you take proper precautions, they can be cured. You should maintain a clean environment, wherever you live.


Acne scarring is perhaps worse than the acne itself.

My acne scars weren’t horrible. They probably weren’t even that noticeable after I put on my foundation. However, I certainly noticed them and that was all it took to bother ME.

If you’ve got acne scars, you may feel a bit helpless. But you don’t have to because there are alternatives to getting rid of acne scars. And you CAN do something about it.

So what do you do about it? Well, there is totally a solution … actually there are many.

These are NATURAL treatments.

Now, just because you hear the word “natural”, I don’t want you to shake your head and think you need to just buy some over the counter miracle cream. These remedies WORK! And you’ll find that by consistently using them, your acne scars WILL fade just like mine did.

So without further ado, here are my favorite natural acne scar solutions:

Lemon will help clear up acne as well as fade acne scars. Plus your face will smell like a freshly shined hardwood floor, so that’s a plus.

The acidity in the juice will lighten the redness of the scars and balance your skin’s pH levels to prevent future breakouts.

Vitamin E
Don’t underestimate the power of this healing lotion. You can get it at any drugstore in topical form. I have a HUGE bottle of it under my sink. Vitamin E naturally heals scars by moisturizing the damaged skin. Use it everyday to fade away acne scars.

Cocoa Butter
This one should be used carefully. If your acne is not already under control, cocoa butter does pose the threat of additional breakouts. However, if you’re using the 3 Day Cure technique and your skin is finally clear, this is a powerful healing tool. Cocoa Butter will soften skin, lighten the scars and make them fade into nothing. I love this one. By the way, Cocoa Butter also works great on fading stretch marks.

Okay, this is totally gonna change your life! Honey works overtime on acne & acne scars. Yes, Honey! When I first learned about this natural remedy, I was pretty bewildered. The sound of it alone is confusing. Honey is a sticky, sugary substance. How can it possibly clear up skin?

Honey kills bacteria while simultaneously lessens the red look of irritated skin. The acidity in the honey evens out your skin tone, shrinks current pimples and will give your skin a softer feel. Listen, I know you may be skeptical of this solution. I was at first, then I tried it. This natural acne scar remedy works great.