A Wide Range of Options For Acne Scar Removal

You’ve put a great deal of effort into making your reddish spots and zits go away. Now that they’re gone, you still fret over the scars they’ve caused.

Fret no more. These days, you have a wide range of options on how to remove acne scars – from acne scar removal products to cosmetic procedures.

Most acne removal products come in the form of topical acne removal cream or lotion. Exfoliating soaps, astringents, and other chemical peeling solutions are also recommended for scars with dark pigmentation.

You can get acne scar reduction products with or without prescription. However, it is always advisable to seek for professional advice before using any acne scar remover.

With modern technology, cosmetic surgical procedures are now becoming popular in use. Each procedure has its own pros and cons, so to help you decide, here’s a list of acne scar removal procedures available today:

* Laser resurfacing. It works by burning the damaged top layers of the skin. Rough and uneven areas are removed through controlled emissions of light beams targeting the affected skin.

* Dermabrasion. It involves "sanding" the skin with a diamond-plated wheel. After a dermabrasion treatment, scabbing and redness of the skin might occur but it will eventually fade after a few weeks.

* Punch techniques. For deep-pitted scars, your doctor might recommend a suitable variety of punch technique.

One type of punch technique is the punch excision, in which deep scars are excised using a sharp but fine tool. After removing the damaged tissue, the skin edges are sutured together. The new scar that results from the excision will fade in a few days or weeks.

Punch replacement also involves excision. After removing the scar tissue, a skin graft from another part of your body will be used to fill the punched area. This method, however, can result to a noticeable difference in color and texture, as the skin tissue used to fill the portion is from a different part of the body. To handle this problem, the doctor may employ resurfacing techniques to make the surface even.

In punch elevation, the base of the excised area is allowed to rise to the surface of the skin until it fills the punched portion. Unlike punch replacement, punch elevation barely results in color and texture differences.

To create a smoother surface after employing any of these punch techniques, the doctor can use surface-smoothing techniques like laser resurfacing and dermabrasion.

* Dermal fillers. Fats and other collagen-formulated substances are injected underneath the acne scar to raise the surface of the skin. These injected materials do not remove acne scars permanently in one treatment, so you might need to attend a few more corrective sessions.

All of these surgical and non-surgical acne scar remedies are proven to be effective. However, it’s better to ask for your doctor’s recommendations regarding the best acne scar removal solution for your skin type and acne scar.