How to Get Rid of Acne Scars

Acne vulgaris, or the so-called pimples is a long-standing and recurrent condition of the oil glands. Heredity, combined with an interplay of external factors, contributes to the cause of its flare-ups. This skin condition has often been taken for granted, hence the results of pigmentation and scarring comes out.

Majority of the patients are very much concerned with the permanent and disfiguring complications of scarring, may it be elevated which is known as hypertrophic scar or depressed also known as atrophic scar. Scars from acne are caused by the damage from inflammatory lesions. And since no one can actually predict the depth of scarring, treatments should be individualized based on the scar’s condition.

The objective of scar treatment is basically to refine the appearance of the affected area. It should be remembered that total skin restoration is often not possible, but scar treatments can help improve the skin’s appearance.

Several modalities were made to correct such problems. Some of these include dermabrasion, diamond peel, and chemobrasion, among others. Whatever the case, it is important for the person with acne scar to discuss all the possible options with her own dermatologist – then agree on the procedures that is appropriate.

According to Dermatology Times, a combination approach may be done to address the condition, “ice-pick” scars would probably be treated with a combination of procedures so as to optimize the effectiveness of treatment and minimize the possibility of further scarring.

New trends involve the excising of these “ice-pick” scars, sewing them up, then injecting them with dermal fillers like collagen. After a week, the stitches are removed and silicone sheeting is placed over the scar to enhance healing and reduce the risk of hypertrophic scars. Patients however, are required to apply sunblock round the clock for 6 weeks.

After this time, the scars have turned white and are ready for laser treatment. The type of laser, either Erbium or CO2, depends upon the depth of scars. Touch ups through microdermabrasion or chemobrasion may be needed to refine certain areas.