how to cure acne

How to Get Rid of Scars and Cuts Left by Acne

So you popped a zit, it starts to bleed, and then it turns into a wee scratch. To top it off, a few days later you have this little dry scab. Well, here are some ways to prevent the rupturing of Acne, and a bit of aid in the healing of popping-induced scars.


  1. Stop popping! It's tempting, but honestly, it make things worse. If you absolutely must pop, make sure that the area (and your fingers) are clean and disinfected. After you pop, gently clean the area with warm water and a washcloth, then cover the popped pimple with ice for a minute or two. This will reduce the swelling. With a cleaner pop, and a smaller area to infect, you greatly reduce your chances of getting a scab or scar.
  2. Keep with your regular acne treatments. Continue your twice-a-day face washes and applications of astringent. If you don't have a very regulated method of treating and preventing acne, then it's time to start one.
  3. Keep in mind that moisturizing isn't always best. In all honesty, you want these little scratches and scabs to stay dry. This, in a sense, causes the scab to wither away and fall off on its own, which reduces scratching and irritation—thus reducing scars.
  4. Allow to heal naturally. Sometimes, the best method of dealing with acne scars and cuts is just to let your body do the works. Keep the irritated area clean and dry, and use as little make-up on the area as possible.


  • Avoid touching your face. Your hands can transfer additional oil and dirt to an infected area.
  • Scars tend to be more noticeable on pale skin. You can combat this with a safe self-tanner (not to be confused with tanning booths and/or sun-tanning, which are unhealthy for your skin). You could also buy a natural redness-countering concealer.
  • Neosporin is ideal for speeding up healing time thus causing lesser scarring. There is also Neosporin Scar Solution.
  • you can use plain yogurt to apply your face it will moisturize your face and purify it and your skin will heal much faster


  • Picking at the scabs and scars will only make things worse.
  • If your acne ruptures even when you don't touch it, you need to see a dermatologist. Bleeding or excessive acne is not natural, and may be the result of an infection or allergies. Get treatment as soon as possible.
  • Acne is caused by a bacterial infections - more times than not. So understand that popping zits only spreads the infection.
  • Do not use Neosporin if you are allergic to it!