video tutorial for pimples

The missing piece to the
“hormonal balance” puzzle

"The key to LASTING acne-free skin is to ensure any excess and used hormones are quickly 'deactivated' and cleared from your system. In this lesson you'll discover how..."

(Lesson 4 of 5)

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So far you understand that your acne is an important message that something is going very wrong internally. And you now have a solid understanding of just what’s causing all the trouble. Now let’s get down to business “fixing” the problem. Balancing hormones is the first key step to doing that.

I know we covered this a little bit in the last lesson, but I'm going to elaborate more in this lesson.

Your hormonal "river"

Think of it this way...

Your body is constantly making hormones. Think of those as a river (hormones) flowing into a pond (your internal system). Then your body is constantly "deactivating" and getting rid of these hormones after they have been "used"...

Think of that as the stream of water running out of the pond.

But what would happen if you dammed up the stream of water leaving the pond?

The “pond” would overflow and flood the surroundings.

Well, that's what happens if something stops excess and "used" hormones from "flowing" out of your system?

They get “all out of balance”…leading to acne and many other chronic hormonally related health problems.

And if you suffer from acne then I can assure you this is happening to you.

So what's causing this to happen anyway? And how do you stop it?

Well, first you need to understand how your body "deactivates" and gets rid of hormones...

(Stay with me, because this is about to get very interesting...)

How your body “deactivates” hormones

First hormones are produced by various glands throughout your system. These hormones are then transported to the various hormone receptors throughout your system where they cause their effect.

Think of the hormones themselves as "keys" and hormone receptors as "key holes". They will only "fit" in the hormone receptor they are designed for.

Anyway, what happens after these hormones are "used" by the hormone receptors?

They are then transported by your blood and lymph to your liver. Your liver then "deactivates" them by adding another piece to them so they can't "fit" into any hormonal receptor "key holes".

These deactivated hormones are then expelled by your bowels and kidneys.

Don't worry about understanding all this perfectly. Just get the basic concept here...

Hormones must get "deactivated" and then get
out of your system after they have been used or they will become chronically imbalanced.

The problem is this "hormonal highway" can get messed up so hormones can't get out of your system.

The end result is CHRONIC hormonal imbalance and the dreaded acne!

So what do you do about it?

How to “fix” your hormonal regulating system

Isn't that the million dollar question. And luckily I have the million dollar answer…

After years of focused research the secret to repairing and regenerating this hormonal regulating system has been discovered. And after yet more years of trial and error and refining and "tweaking" a ground-breaking program has been developed.

Using this program I believe virtually anyone can get rid of their acne once and for all.

The 5 parts to this program work together in a very specific way to "fix" your body’s natural hormonal regulating system so that your body can quickly "deactivate" and "expel" any excess and used hormones from your system.

In addition to that, the 5 parts to the program are also designed to correct the internal problem that’s causing congesting blood and lymph toxins to buildup in your system.

The bottom line is, this program is the only solution in existence that directly addresses ROOT problems causing your acne. It designed to optimize your internal system to work as good as or better then someone with effortless flawless skin.

However there are some caveats. While many do see dramatic results with just step one it will take discipline and time to complete the remaining steps. If you’re not up for it PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE don’t waste your time or my time. It’s not for you.

However, if you are ready to do what it takes your search is over. You’ve found what you’ve been looking for.

While it won’t be easy, once you've completed the steps the results will be lasting.

Here's a great example from our online forum from Dan...

When asked what results he got after completing the steps he responded...

Unsolicited Testimonial
"My skin has never looked better..."

My skin has never looked better. In fact, I feel great about it. I think this is the best it has looked in over a decade!

I no longer always have an inflamed area somewhere nor do I wake up to 2-4 new zit friends everyday. In fact, I haven't seen a real zit in weeks! After steadily decreasing in frequency and size (they went down to pin head size) I've have no more whiteheads at all.

I did take several months (Jan until April) and I was getting pretty frustrated for a while, but I will never get off this program...

All I can say is this was the best money I've spent!!


For more information about this breakthrough discovery click the link below…

Lesson 5: The breakthrough acne discovery »

Congratulations, you’ve made it this far. Most want to change something in their life, but few will actually do what it takes to make that change. The fact that you made it this far separates you from 98% (98.2% to be exact) of everyone else who begins this e-tutorial…

And as promised I have a secret for you. But I didn’t want to tell it to just anybody. Those other 98.2% wouldn’t have “got it” anyway…

The #1 reason I beat my acne challenge
and the #1 reason you’ll beat yours

This secret is the reason why I finally beat my severe acne after struggling for over a decade.

Without this secret I’d still be suffering from severe acne. Really!

What is it…?

O.k. here it is…

No matter what you want to change in your life, whether it’s your acne or anything else there is one ingredient you must have if you’re ever going to make that change…

And that is you must have a compelling reason WHY you must make that change NOW no matter what…

Not just a wish…
Not just a hope…
Not just if it works out…
Not sometime in the future…

But an absolute compelling reason why you MUST make this change happen NOW in your life.

NOW is very important…

If you put it off then it will never happen. If you don’t take the first step in the only time you can, “now”, then it will never happen.

Days will turn into weeks, weeks into years…and what you hoped to change will never have happened.

So whether you choose this program or not, you must find that compelling reason for you…whatever it may be. Because trust me, life is way to short to live it suffering from acne.

Now’s the time to take care of this problem once and for all.

I hope you found this e-tutorial enlightening so far. It’s been a pleasuring bringing it to you. If you’d like to continue receiving enlightening information like this be sure to sign up for my free e-newsletter.

Sign up today and as my thank you I’ll give you instant access to my revealing lesson “The ONLY Path to LASTING Acne-Free Skin”. You may try countless acne treatments, but your acne will always return until you do this one thing…This lesson reveals all the details.