Straight answers

What is Kaya Pimple-free?

It's a breakthrough treatment available for the first time in India for treating pimples. It targets excessive oil production by bringing it to normal levels and stopping pimples at the roots.

Are Indians more prone to skin conditions like acne and blackheads?

Most Indians don't see a dermatologist or use dermatological products for skin problems. They try all kinds of home remedies, which, more often than not, aggravate the problem. A skin specialist has 100 per cent solutions for all kinds of ailments. There's no point hiding your flaws beneath layers of makeup or a beard; a dermatologist is more effective and easier.

Is Kaya Pimple-free an effective treatment?

It's a holistic combination of a detailed skin analysis, medication, combination of the latest USFDA approved Smoothbeam laser treatment and glycolic peels. While, Smoothbeam targets oil glands, bringing production of oil down to normal levels, glycolic peels lead to fresher, smoother skin.

Who should opt for it?

Having tried all treatments, including lotions, home remedies, etc and still not found results, Kaya Pimple-free is the right treatment. It works on all kinds of pimples, including pus-filled ones. To know more about your skin-related issues, you can call 1600-22-5292.

How long does the treatment take and how long will the results last?

The treatment takes up to three months but dramatic results are visible within 15 days, leading to up to 80 per cent reduction by the end of the treatment. Though sometimes pimples recur, this is by far the best treatment available in the world.

Is the procedure safe?

Our panel of over 35 dermatologists has developed Kaya Pimple-Free using the latest USFDA approved processes and technologies. It is extremely safe.

How much does it cost?

The introductory package costs Rs 10,000 for eight sessions. You may choose to sign up by paying only Rs 3,000 and undergo the first combination package, and on seeing results choose to upgrade to the additional sessions for only Rs 7,000.