Remedy for oily skin: make a homemade mask by combining one egg white and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply mask and rinse with warm water after 20 minutes
For softer skin, steam your face over boiling water (drape a towel over head to hold in steam); remove dead skin with a loofah, drink lots of water
To rid blackheads, mix cornstarch with vinegar, plaster on the area for 15-30 minutes; wash off with washcloth and warm water.
Put cold, cooked oatmeal on your face, it can help give you nicer skin (submitted by laura)
Run out of shaving cream to shave your legs? Use hair conditioner. It makes legs nice and smooth too.
Also try your favorite body wash
To get rid of that fake tan from the tanning bottle that you may have messed up: 1/4 cup of lemon juice, 1/2 cup sugar, loofah and scrub. (You may have heard that on "The Wedding Planner.")
To help skin glow, place hot towels on skin for 10 minutes, then splash face with cold water 10 times
To help dry out your acne without drying out your face, put a thin layer of Phillips Milk of Magnesia over your face. It works great (submitted by visitor).
rub cucumber peel (wet side up) on your face and leave on overnight to cure acne(submitted by visitor)
(visitor recommendation) ~ For the smoothest skin ever... trust me I have psoriasis and it is nearly impossible to find a moisturizer that works... after a shower or bath spread vaseline over your entire body (or wherever you wish) , it's a very greasy feeling but be patient. let it soak into your skin for about an hour or more if u can handle it, while sitting on a towel. this works so well that you only need to do it once or twice a month