What are Infected pimples

Just how exactly pimples appear on your skin, and how do they get infected? Are there ways by which you can get rid of infected pimples?

Answers to the above questions will be discussed here. First, let us discuss how pimples appear on the skin.

Pimples are caused mainly by oil called sebum. To picture what happens: the pores or hair follicles on the skin have glands that make sebum. These glands are called sebaceous glands. The oil produced is usually beneficial as it lubricates the skin keeping it soft and preventing it from chapping or cracking.

Sebum, then, makes its way out the hair follicle and goes out to the skin surface to do its job of keeping the skin moisturized. But when sebum together with bacteria and dead skin cells that are shed everyday get clogged up in a hair follicle, which is the time when popping pimples or lesions appear on the surface of the skin.

Infected pimples are treatable so you need not dwell on their presence on your face. What you need to do to get rid of infected pimples is easy. Always make sure that you clean the skin twice a day with an unscented soap. After which, dry the affected area with the use of a soft towel. Be gentle with the affected area. Use soft towels, don’t rub it, and just pat it gently. Vigorous and frequent washing can be irritating to the skin. This may cause pimples to appear or more pimples to be infected.

Another main reason for having infected pimples is when people try to squeeze or pick thier pimples. Bear in mind that doing this won’t make you get rid of your infected pimples; but rather, causes more irritation and spread more infection. Squeezing or popping infected pimples can also result to permanent skin scars.

So how do you manage infected pimples? You may apply benzoyl peroxide to the infected pimples. The compound has a drying effect on the area to which it is applied to. Other than benzoyl peroxide, products that contain retinoids such as Retin-A are effective in clearing the skin pores of oil buildup and dead skin cells.

To fight the infected pimples, creams or lotions that contain antibiotics can prevent further pimple breakouts by killing and reducing the amount of bacteria present on the skin.

For more severe infected pimples where over-the-counter medicines are not much of a help, it is best to see a doctor or dermatologist. A doctor or dermatologist has the authority to give the bet kind of solution that will fight away your infected pimples. Another plus when visiting a doctor is that some pimples are actually blemishes that look like pimples but are actually rashes. These rashes are allergic reactions to hygiene products such as soaps and shampoos. The doctor can examine you if you indeed have skin allergies. Whatever the result of the test, your doctor will be the first person and the most knowledgeable in knowing how to address your skin problem.